Cambridge Audio Azur 350A Stage 1+ upgrade – Customer feedback

Cambridge Audio Azur 350A Integrated Amplifier

More great customer feedback, this time for a custom upgrade to a Cambridge Audio Azur 350A integrated amplifier. A lot of work goes into these upgrades and for this one I devised a further custom refinement for Mat (Stage 1+), which has worked out really well. It’s so good, I may look into making this a standard option for the upgrade service.

This is the best transformation maudifi has made to an Azur 340A/350A/351A. It is so much more revealing than even a previous Stage 2 upgrade.

“The upgrade to my Cambridge Audio Azur 350a amp is fantastic. I could tell right away regarding the difference, with the width, depth and separation really opening up – there’s just loads of clarity and space added to the sound. It just feels a lot more immersive, and really organic.”

Mat, Birmingham

Of course, we’re not actually adding anything to the sound, we are just removing some of the signal degradation that occurs with the low-quality parts manufacturers use to meet their price points. These components are replaced with ones of a significantly higher quality, and the results are in Mat’s words “FANTASTIC”, “IMMERSIVE” and “ORGANIC”. Not much more to say really.

You can read Mat’s full 5-star review on Google Reviews.

A budget amplifier now producing music close to the level of a high-end one!